4 Ways to Elevate Your Look, Being Stylish and Elegant

I frequently get asked how I manage to look so stylish and elegant all of the time. And so it is after much analysis as to what particular item of clothing or end look would solicit such compliments, I keep coming back to a few particular items.

I believe it is entirely possible to get you and your style noticed without having to resort to an accidentally on purpose ‘wardrobe malfunction’ incident.

So here they are, my top 4 tried and tested ways to get your outfit noticed whilst remaining elegant and radiating style.


1. Wear a fur stole

Weather its real or faux, there is nothing quite as luxurious as feeling the softness of fur against your skin! Guaranteed to heighten your look to movie star status, you will certainly turn heads by adding a fur stole or collar to your ensemble.

Evelyn wood vintage fur

Instant GLAM factor


2. Wear red lipstick

For day or night, just by adding a pop of colour to your face with a slick of velvety red, you will instantly lift your whole look and have onlookers commenting on how ‘put together’ and stylish you look!

Evelyn wood red lipstick duo

Photograph by Say CheeseCake Photography

My favourite reds to wear are by Besame cosmetics

Caution: Red lipstick requires maintenance during the day and cannot, repeat, cannot be worn if you are planning to host a kissing booth!


3. Wear a floor length dress during the day

For instant envy inciting elegance, slip into a floor length gown during the height of daylight hours and get noticed as you waltz in for your morning latte.

If this is out of your comfort zone, to keep the look ‘daywear’ feeling, my tip is to wear it with flats or with lots bright coloured plastic accessories!

Evelyn wood 1930's vintage dress

4. Head Wear

Be it hat, turban, hair scarf, bandana, flowers or simply a diamante hair slide, head wear will absolutely finish off your look and turn your simple dress into an outfit.

Once a staple fashion accessory worn in everyday life, hats are so underutilised these days that you are guaranteed to attract compliments with this much forgotten about style accessory.

My personal favourites are tilt hats, berets and turbans. Ok the turbans are mostly for those bad/don’t have time/can’t be bothered hair days!

If you don’t think hats suit you, I say that you just haven’t found the right one yet!

Evelyn wood vintage hats

Start small, maybe with some hair flowers or a simple scarf tied in your hair, and work your way up to a full turban or vintage hat.

And as for which hat, well, just keep trying all different styles on until you find the one for you!


I hope these tips might give you something to think about next time your dressing in the morning and are longing for some more glamour, or maybe just a few extra turned heads to your day!

Tell me, what is one thing that you like to wear to really elevate your outfit?

Leave a comment below for me, and all the other ladies reading now!!

sign off


Vintage fashion designer and style blogger

  • Mish says:

    Fabulous tips Evelyn! Hopefully the weather here in Brisbane will co-operate and we will be able to wear our furs soon 🙂
    My tip would be to find ‘something’ that you can make your signature. For me that is always having a flower in my hair, even when I’m wearing a hat or a turban. I even hide them inside my motorcycle jacket, so I can pop one on when we stop for coffee!

    • Thankyou Mich, I love this!! Yes a signature piece is definitely a fabulous way to lift your look! And it will add a continuity to your style too, always to be recognised as a thing you do! I always have seen you with your flowers and I must admit I love to know you even tuck them into a motorcycle jacket! That is commitment I am excited by! I am waiting with great anticipation to pull out the furs also, another fabulous way to elevate any look! xx

    • Patch says:

      I sercehad a bunch of sites and this was the best.

  • Mary says:

    Thanks for your wonderful tips Evelyn! Its definitely the finishing touches that make the look. I’m on the lookout for some hats, something I struggle with as I haven’t worn them often before. I’ve been developing my style over the last few years and I definitely feel that I’m missing that finishing touch. Perhaps you could give some tips on tying a turban? yours look fabulous! I’m also on the lookout for some 30s style sunglasses, although here in the UK its more fur coat weather than sunglasses today!xx

    • Hi Mary! Thankyou I am so glad you found this useful! You definitely need hats I agree! It can be tricky starting out with hats to find the shape you like the most, but stick with it an keep truing as it is well worth it and I am sure you can make this apart of your everyday style! As luck would have it I have been working on some turban tutorials and I will release them shortly, so stay tuned for those! I wish it were fur coat weather here! I always say that I only have great sunnies by default because it is so sunny and hot all of the time where I live that they are an absolutely essential fashion item! Good luck with the hat hunt!

      Evelyn xx

  • Jane Dernelley says:

    Hi Evelyn, thanks so much for this interesting and useful article. I must confess that I do most of these things already but it’s so nice to see personal style choices confirmed! Look forward to more of your articles

    Jane xx

  • […] I have, can’t often do. Recent blog posts have included The Easy Way to Wear 1930s and 4 Ways to Elevate Your Look – both of which are full of useful tips and tricks that help find the vintage glamour in your […]

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